So begins another project of mine, fresh from the depths of my mind, deep in the hidden (very well hidden, might I add) portion of my brain that seems to purpotrate a weekly rendition of "Hey, you know what'd be a cool idea?"
This is a blog aimed at students saving money, and maybe saving a tree or two in the process. I mean, hell, why not right? Trees are cool...they give shade...and stuff. Being as how I'm majoring in Environmental Planning, why not?
The idea came to me as I was travelling back with the family of my friend who had just gotten married. I had staved off the dreaded idea as "full-time employment" for the entire summer. However, the looming threat of student loans still lingered. What a nasty taste to have after having such fun travelling across Canada. Oh well.
My problem remained: How could I pay for school? I had enough to cover most tuition costs, but everything after that would rely on student loans and (fingers crossed) bursaries. Thankfully I'm smart...on occasion.
So what happened was, rather then finding a viable solution in the long car ride back to Prince George, I had what some might call "a distraction." Fleeting thought, brain fart, whatever it was, it was this:
What about a blog devoted to the idea of saving students money?
I will admit, it was not the most revolutionary idea. I had done blogs before, but they were more personal. And so, I plan on this blog to be about my personal accounts on overcoming student debt while in school. Efforts would include thrifty living, how to apply for bursaries, breaking down costs, the pros and cons of getting a part-time job, whatever may come that has to do with keeping students funds in their wallets instead of in the money-eating machine that is the post-secondary educational institution.
I plan on tackling specific topics in the categories of travel, recipes/do it yourself, food, school, living/home, and other. They might change along the way.
Sorry about the design. I'm not a hardcore techy. I'm going to focus on content rather than aesthetics. Hopefully someone out there will help me out in that department down the road.